Sunday, December 21, 2014

Day 20 of Newlywed Christmas Activities - Ice Skating at Atlantic Station

Ahhh, Day 20, I had so much hope for you. The promise of a great outing was on the horizon, but alas, you were a bust. The title of today's post should be, "How I spent $26 to spend 5 minutes on ice skates."

All over Atlanta, there have been ice skating rinks popping up. I have never been ice skating in my life. No surprise since I grew up in South Carolina, but I wanted to try this year. I took Hubby and I to the newest one at Atlantic Station in Midtown Atlanta. It promised not only ice skating, but a fake snowfall every hour and lots of stores to shop in after we were done. 

It was a gorgeous night for ice skating. It was a clear, slightly cold night. Atlantic Station was totally lit with lights and had Christmas trees everywhere. I was actually quite surprised, though, because it was not busy to say it was the weekend before Christmas. 

A gigantic tree at Atlantic Station
We went to the skate store to rent our skates and store our things in a locker. The staff were quick and really nice, which I appreciated. After about 20 minutes, we were ready to strap on our skates and get on the ice. 
Picking up our ice skates. 
I should have known that something was not right when I closed the strap on that ice skate. It felt tight, my ankles started hurting right away and I could barely walk. I thought, "Oh, it is probably just because I am new and it will get better after I get on the ice." Well, Hubby had the same idea. He, like I, was complaining as soon as we stood up. 

So we trudge to the ice and took our first careful steps on the ice. And then it happened...the immense pain in my arches and sides of my feet started immediately! I was in real pain, ya'll. Not uncomfortable because it was new. Even with the pain, I took more steps. I tried doing the skating motion, but the more I tried, the more it hurt. 

I looked up to find Hubby to see if he was having any better time and by looking at the pain on his face, I knew we were done. The problem...we were now half way around the ice and had to make it back around to the exit. Oh no!

After five more minutes trying to get to the exit, we both fell onto a bench and quickly took those torture footwear off. Total time skating? Maybe 5 minutes, with another 5 minutes hobbling on the wall trying to get back to the exit. Sigh...

We turned in our skates, vowed never to ice skate again, and then went to get something to eat. I was sorely disappointed, but like Hubby said, "We would not have known if we had not tried." He is so wise. 

That is all for today. Hopefully your ice skating forays go much better. 

Talk later - XOXO!

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