Saturday, December 20, 2014

Day 19 of Newlywed Christmas Activities - Christmas Guest Room Renovating

On Day 19, we did a little renovating for our Christmas guest who was coming. Yes, I know, it is not really a Christmas activity, but it was necessary and it gave me a chance to use my Christmas gift - my new power drill!!!!

It took Hubby and I a good four hours to clean and organize the guest room. We went through every box from our last move and put away, donated, or threw away all of the items in them. It was really cleansing to the soul to get rid of the clutter. I definitely did not want my mom to see all of that junk.

After we put the new linens on the bed and laid out the bedroom, I was so pleased with the outcome. It was super cozy, luxurious, and a true oasis. I was actually jealous that I could not stay in there myself. Lol.

Now it was time for my favorite part of the day...using my new power drill. Looking at me, you would not know that I LOVE power tools. Anything mechanical that causes holes make me happy to my soul. Well we had bought the TV and decided that we wanted to mount it on the wall, so we bought one of the wall kits.

I was so intimidated by this kit at first. My worst fear, that we would put it on the wall and the TV would just fall off, was at the front of my mind. However, after reading the instructions and getting down to it, it was super easy! I think, total, it took 35-40 minutes and it snapped right on to the frame and did not fall off.

Because we were so busy, I did not snap any pictures, but I will take some later to supplement this post. I am really excited for my mom to come visit now and know that she will love all of the hard work that I have done.

Talk later - XOXO!

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