Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Day 7 of Newlywed Christmas Activities - Hand Bell Concert at Church

I must admit to my blog audience that I have failed in one of my Christmas activities. Shame...disgrace...disappointment...I know! Today's activity was supposed to be an especially fun one, but Hubby and I woke up on Sunday feeling like death. So instead of doing our activity, we either stayed in bed or slept on the couch all day.

For the seventh day of Christmas, I had planned for Hubby and I do go to a handbell choir concert at our church. I love handbells! To me, they exemplify the essence of Christmas. I was really looking forward to it, but alas, I will have to catch it next year.

Unfortunately, now I have to think of a Christmas activity to replace it and squeeze it into our other activities.

On a happier note, my mom is coming to stay for Christmas and New Years! Although we only stay four hours away, I haven't seen her for almost a year! I can't wait to introduce her to our new zoo members, let her and Hubby bond, and enjoy having her around for the holidays.

I will now leave you with this wonderful video of the Oregon State Handbell Choir doing "Let It Go" from Frozen!

Talk Later - XOXO!

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