Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Day 15 of Newlywed Christmas Activities - Take Christmas Photos of Pets

So I was feeling better and ready to get back on track with our newlywed Christmas activities. On Day 15, we took Christmas photos of our zoo. As you all know, we currently have eleven pets in our household. They are our babies and we love them so much. Since we had taken photos of ourselves, it only seemed obvious that we needed ones of the zoo. 

Let me say that I now have a newfound respect for all pet photographers. I went into this thinking, "Oh, this won't be too hard. Our pets are pretty mellow." Ha! I lied to myself. Have you ever tried getting pets to sit still on crunchy paper that they hated, while looking into a camera? It is so hard! 

To set up my makeshift studio, I went into our guest room and constructed a background with some striped wrapping paper and some tape. In addition, I got an old basket, wrapped it in wrapping paper, and put the tree skirt from our Christmas tree inside. (The thought was that the cats could sit inside.)

After we had everything ready, we proceeded to wrangle the cats. To summarize the photos with the cats, they were NOT having it. They hated the paper, they hated the basket, and even with copious amounts of treats and toys, they refused to stay still long enough for us to get more than one decent photo. Here are the results. 

Burnice - She was really not feeling this.
We could not even get her in the background. 
So now was the time to gather the canine members of the family. They were a bit easier than the cats, but they just would not look into the camera. Hubby did not help by standing to the right of me with treats, so they are all looking upper right in these photos. Sigh...

Another one of Rasbee
Shylow - our supermodel
Another of Shylow - We got her to pose in the
basket WITH the hat. Success!

Next year, I think we will forgo this activity and just take the pets to one of those "photos with Santa" events that the local rescues have. At least I have some good pics to remember this Christmas by.

Hubby and Shylow
Talk later - XOXO!

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