Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day 10 of Newlywed Christmas Activities - Family Game Night

For the tenth day of newlywed Christmas activities, I thought I would bring out our competitive sides. There is nothing better for raising the blood pressure than a spirited game of Monopoly, right? Well for tonight's family game night, I introduced Christmas-opoly! (Evil Laugh)

My friends will tell you that I can get very competitive and very serious quickly. No matter the game, I tend to hyperfocus on winning and when I lose, it is not good. Recently while in Las Vegas, I became addicted to Bingo. While my friends were laughing, joking, and probably missing numbers, I was focused on getting every number, double checking my board, and daubing the paper like my life depended on it. At the end of the game, it looked like I had killed a marker because I had blue ink all over me. I did not win the first night, which led me to go back three nights in a row until I finally won. Anyway, when I thought to do a Christmas-themed game night, I promised myself that I would not get so into it and try to enjoy the spirit of the game. Did I succeed? Uh, sort 

I decided that Monopoly would be a great game. It is about strategy, versus luck, so I knew Hubby would like it. I searched Amazon to purchase the game and came upon a Christmas version. It was called Christmas-opoly and was super cute. The board, the player pieces, and the cards were all created with Christmas themes. And for less than $25, it was a good value. 

Front of Box
Back of Box
Hubby and I set-up the board, ordered a pizza and proceeded to play. For the next three hours, we played...and played...and played. At first, Hubby was winning. He had lots of property, money, and was beating me at every turn. Well, this is where I started getting serious. No way was I going to lose! I starting buying properties, multiplying my value, and soon, I was on top again! (HAHAHAHAHA)

The board game before we started playing. 
Defeated! (Mortal Kombat sound effect)
As you can tell from the photo above, I won! While, I did get somewhat competitive, I was able to have a lot of fun. Hubby, as always, stayed calm and merely laughed at my serious nature. And the game kept it fun, by making us sing Christmas carols at various parts of the game. We definitely will be playing this again before the end of the year, especially when my mom comes to visit because she loves playing games. 

What is the moral of this story? Don't ever play games with Crystal and please keep me out of the Bingo 

Talk later - XOXO!

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