Saturday, December 6, 2014

Day 3 of Newlywed Christmas Activities - Write Christmas Letters to Each Other

Between Hubby traveling and us just being lazy, we have gotten behind on our activities. Well we decided to knock three out in one day. Days 3-5 were done on the same day so that we could catch up. Lots of fun packed into one day!

Hubby and I love writing each other letters, notes, cards, and other written forms that express our love. When we were long distance dating, we would buy each other cards, write long notes inside of them, and give them when we finally saw each other. Even now, we occasionally surprise each other in this way. Well because of this, I knew that I should add this to our list of Newlywed Christmas activities. 

As you have probably noticed, Hubby has started a theme 
of picking one member of the zoo to help him pick the day's activity. 
This is our Maltese, Rasbee!

I kept this activity pretty simple. I gave each of us two sheets of paper and an envelope. We then went into different rooms and wrote what was in our hearts. (Hubby loved this because he got to duck away and watch sports while writing. lol) Once we were done, we sealed them and put them in our stockings. 

I must admit that I can't wait to read my letter on Christmas day. It is the little things, you know?

Talk later - XOXO!

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