Monday, December 22, 2014

Day 21 of Newlywed Christmas Activities - Christmas Themed Paint Night

OMG, it is officially the week of Christmas! It came so quickly. I must admit, readers, I have kind of lost some of the excitement of Christmas. The activities are definitely helping, but my energy level can't keep up. Well today, our newlywed activity gave me a huge boost of fun and excitement for the season.

On the 21st day, I booked us for a painting event at a local bar. A month ago, I came across a deal on LivingSocial for a Paint Nite event. They supply the painting materials and the teacher. All we had to do was pay for the drinks and bring ourselves. I loved that.

Hubby and I took the Marta train into the city which is a rare occurrence for me since I work from home. I hate all forms of public transportation and I despise sitting in seats that are probably filled with germs, but unfortunately, it was a necessity since we were going to be drinking. Don't drink and drive, people!

Public transportation...ugh!
We arrived at Publik Draft House about thirty minutes before the event and proceeded to order unlimited mimosas. Yes, you read that right...UNLIMITED MIMOSAS!!!! Can this day get better?! We people watched and talked while our teacher, Aleigha, set things up.

They give you a personal carafe of mimosas that
they make with a full bottle of champagne. 
There were about twenty people in the class and it was a great group. Hubby and I had a ball with the painting. Don't have much to say about painting, mostly because it would be boring to describe every stroke, but also because we had quite a few mimosas.

It was a great night. Afterwards, we stopped at Benihana for some sushi, then headed home. We haven't decided where we are going to put our paintings, though. Wherever they go, they are beautiful to me.

If you have a chance to do this in your city, get a ticket. It is a great time any time of the year.

Talk later - XOXO!

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