Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day 23 of Newlywed Christmas Activities - Mom is Coming!

Rain, rain, go away. Come again some other day!

No really, go away. On day 23 of our newlywed activities, Hubby and I went to get my mom for Christmas! I haven't spent any time with my mom in over a year. She will be staying with us until after the New Year.

Everyone says we look like sisters. I don't see it. Lol
The weather was horrible, though. Going to pick her up was shadowy and overcast, but on the way back, we came into heavy downpour. And guess who's turn it was to drive for the return trip...mine! I think we drove 50 mph on a 70 mph highway the whole way back.

This Christmas trip is really important to me because Hubby and my mom have not had any time to get to know each other. I want them to bond and get to love each other. I want them to love each other as much as I love them. We shall see. That may be another blog post.

My mom came in and was immediately overwhelmed by the zoo. She got to meet the new kitties and Frankie, while loving on the old members who she already knew. She, like I, LOVE animals and she even brought her dog, Boots. It was a full house now of animals and people.

Remember all of the work that we did to the guest room? She loved that too! I think we impressed her with all of the luxury that we put in there.

Oh well, that is all. It is two days before Christmas and we have lots to do.

Talk later - XOXO!

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