Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Day 16 of Newlywed Christmas Activities - Build a Gingerbread House

By this time in the Christmas activities, Hubby is rolling his eyes every time he has to pull an envelope. Lol. And when he pulled this one out, he yelled, "Another art project? Ugh!" Maybe next year, I will do less art in my plans. 

For today's activity, I chose for Hubby and I to build a gingerbread house. Can you believe that I have only done this once in my life in elementary school? I have seriously missed lots of candy, sticky icing fun in my life. 

I was all game to do this from scratch, but since that idea seemed a little expensive, I just picked up a kit from good old Walmart. Who knew there were so many choices? Gingerbread house, gingerbread townhome, gingerbread train, gingerbread village. Being the overachiever that I am, I chose the village. Why mess up my dining room for one stinking house? Lol. 

Hubby and I had a really good time. To build the houses took some teamwork since someone needed to hold it up while the other glued it together with icing. And just when we thought we were done, the whole thing collapsed on us! How horrible! It took us about two hours to just put the basic assembly then it told us to wait overnight before we could decorate. Bummer. 

Oh well, we have a part two coming for this activity. Decorating is the best part though. Can't wait to share our masterpiece!

Talk later - XOXO!

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