Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day 25 of Newlywed Christmas Activities - Merry Christmas!


Are you as excited as I am?

This year, Hubby and I decided not to give gifts to each other because we are still in that broke newlywed phase and would much rather save our money for a new washer and dryer in the new year. Even without gifts, though, we woke up this morning grateful to be alive and to be spending our first Christmas together, which has never happened even when we were dating.

We did have the Christmas letters that we wrote to each other on day 3. My letter from Hubby was so sweet and it made me so happy to be with him. I wrote an equally great letter, if I may say so myself, and I included a silly photo that I drew.

Next up was time for us to give presents to my mom and the zoo. The dogs got a new bed and "candy cane" treats while the cats received some small toys. (Unfortunately, their cat tower that I ordered didn't make it before Christmas...grrr...they won't know the difference though if they get it late.) My mom got a great sweatshirt and a gift card. Everyone was happy and loved their gifts.

Now we are about to sit down to a late Christmas dinner. It has taken FOREVER for the oven to finish the ham and the chicken. All of the sides were completed and we have been waiting on the main features. Better planning will be needed for next year. Lol.

After dinner, we plan on all cuddling on the couch to watch "The Christmas Story." Hubby would not let us watch it before now because he wanted to watch ON Christmas Day. Silly man.

Before I go get into my food coma, I want to thank you for following my journey into this 25 Days of Christmas activities. It has been fun at times, disappointing at times, but I do not regret doing this. Hubby and I have bonded so much this past month and I have truly learned so much about him.

Will I do this again next year? YES! My bestie even sent me a wonderful advent calendar that I can put on my wall. She even had our last name put on it. (She is amazing and I love her. Shout out to you, Cara!) It is super adorable and I can't wait to plan for next Christmas.

I hope you all have a great Christmas and a wonderful New Year.

Talk later - XOXO!

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