Saturday, December 6, 2014

Day 4 of Newlywed Christmas Activities - Write Cards and Make Christmas Playlist

Between Hubby traveling and us just being lazy, we have gotten behind on our activities. Well we decided to knock three out in one day. Days 3-5 were done on the same day so that we could catch up. Lots of fun packed into one day!

For day four of our newlywed Christmas activities, I combined two activities into one - writing Christmas cards and making a Christmas playlist. 

I will tell you that I am the WORST at sending cards in general. I either send them late and miss my family's actual birthday or holiday or I end up with cards hanging around my house that were never sent. Well this year, I was determined to send Christmas cards on time! With Hubby and I now married, we now have two families that we need to send cards and presents to. Might as well get organized and do everything early. 

Hubby and I pulled out our stack of cards, wrote the list of everyone we wanted to send cards to, and wrote personalized messages in each and every card. After doing 20+ Christmas cards, our hands were cramping, we were brain numb, and ready to just be done. All we need to do now is get addresses and mail them off. It will happen this year!

Our cat, Artie, wanted to help write messages from the zoo. 
In between writing Christmas cards, we also created a special Christmas playlist of our favorite songs. Thank God for Spotify, where we found ever song that we wanted and more! We added the obvious songs like, "All I Want for Christmas" by Mariah Carey, "The Christmas Song" by Nat King Cole, and "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby. In addition, Hubby added some hilarious rap versions of songs that I had never heard of and that had me in stitches! (P.S. If you have any mistakes on your Christmas cards, it is because I was laughing and messed

This one in particular is hilarious!

In the end, we came up with over 130 songs on our playlist, which equals over seven hours of music. We will continue to add more as we think of them, but for now, we have great background music for the rest of our newlywed activities. Check out our Spotify playlist to see what we came up with. 

Hope you enjoy!

Talk later - XOXO!

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