Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Day 1 of Newlywed Christmas Activities - Decorate Christmas Tree

Today, I was FINALLY able to start my 25 Days of Newlywed Christmas Activities. Hubby had to go to Baltimore for a few days and I promised him that I would not start without him. We are a few days behind, but if we do two activities for the next two days, we will be all caught up.

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...Decorating of the Christmas Tree! When making the activities list, I knew that I wanted this to be first. I love looking at the lit Christmas tree for as long as I can during December...and sometimes into January, depending on how lazy I get with taking it down.
Artie helped Hubby pick the first
envelope off of the activities calendar. 

Since we are on a budget, I went with a 6.5' artificial tree from Walmart. After reading several articles about the dangers of a live tree for pets, I knew this was the best way to go. Plus, I have done the live tree before and not only did it shed heavily, but by the time Christmas came, it stank to high heaven. Not a good memory.

Putting together the tree was actually pretty easy. Twenty minutes and we were done. I was a little worried when we first took it out of the box because it looked very sparse and Charlie Brown-esque. Once we plumped the branches and covered the empty spots, it looked great.

Before we plumped the branches
After we separated the branches.
That is Midnight hanging with Hubby. 
Over the last week, we have shopped at various places around town to get the decorations. Target for the shatterproof ornaments and a tree skirt, the local pet store for the "candy cane" dog treat ornaments, and the local thrift store for a few higher value keepsake ornaments. Our tree doesn't really have a color scheme or a theme, but it is fun and cute with all of the things we love.

Hubby, Mumu, and the completed tree. 
First activity down, 24 more to go. I am now laying in my living room in darkness watching a Christmas movie with our Christmas tree lit in the corner. What a wonderful start to the month.

Talk later - XOXO!

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