Monday, December 15, 2014

Days 11 through 14 of Newlywed Christmas Activities - Sick as a dog!

Dear BMC Readers,

Days 11 - 14 were not very enjoyable for me. I was sick. Sore throat, earache, and all over body ache. In between work, sleep was my best friend during these days. Although I was not at my best, I rearranged some of our newlywed activities around so that we could do some of the more tamer ideas, like watch movies and mail our Christmas cards.

On Day 11, the plan was to lay around and watch "The Christmas Story," but Hubby objected to this idea because he wanted to watch the 24 hour marathon on Christmas day. I was up for another suggestion, so we instead decided to watch "Let's Be Cops." I know, I know! Not a Christmas movie at all, but any excuse for me to cuddle up to Hubby in my feverish state is good with me.

I actually did not expect to like this movie and truthfully, most of the plot was obvious, but it gave me a few laughs and it fulfilled my new crush on Damon Wayans, Jr. I watched him in Happy Endings and now in New Girl and he is funny!

On Day 12, we mailed out our Christmas cards. After a few days of texting, emailing, and calling people for their addresses, we finally had all of the info to mail out the cards. It felt sooo good to put those envelopes in the mailbox for the postman to pick up. For once, I succeeded in getting Christmas cards on time! Right? Stay tuned.

On Day 13, we made it another movie night, but with the added pleasure of apple pie! There is nothing more soothing to the soul than a warm slice of apple pie with cold vanilla ice cream. And while you are soothing the soul with good dessert, you should also add in my favorite movie, "Love Actually!"

Dear Makers of "Love Actually," You took everything I like about romantic comedies and put it into one amazing movie. Thank you and I thank God for you wonderful souls every time I watch it. Love, Crystal (Ok, that is enough of my ode to "Love Actually."



Here is a very funny parody of the movie that you must watch. 

On Day 14, I was feeling so much better. Still not 100%, but good enough to get out of bed, play with my dogs, and cook dinner. So on this day, I went out and picked up some needed items for the next few days of activities. Plus, my mom was going to be coming into town, so I needed to get the guest room ready for her arrival. To round out the day, Lifetime was having a marathon of Christmas movies, so all day, the TV was on and I was watching some great movies about Santa, finding love, and the general spirit of the season. 

In all, these four days did not go as planned, but I think Hubby and I made the most of the situation. A lot of the Christmas activities that you can do don't have to involve a lot. Just use that time to spend some needed time with a loved one and cuddle. And if all else fails, watch every Christmas movie that you can get on TV and enjoy!

Talk later - XOXO!

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