Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Day 7 of 25 Days of Christmas: Design Christmas Card

For Day 7 of 25 Days of Christmas, I put on my creative hat to design our yearly Christmas cards. So last year, Hubby and I started the tradition of sending Christmas cards to family and friends. Everyone loved our goofy picture and the handwritten sentiments! So this year, I am taking it a bit further by actually designing personalized Christmas cards!

There are lots of websites that you can use for this, including Shutterfly, but for a more economical solution, I am going through my local CVS store. In addition to them being reasonably priced, they have free same day printing, which we will need since we are going to send these out two weeks before Christmas!

It took me about two hours to find the design that I wanted and to customize it with our name, a message, and the layout that I wanted. In the end, I think I created like five cards, but will let Hubby select the one he likes the best.

Hubby and I have our photo shoot planned for Day 9 and this year, we are including one of the zoo members. Won't spoil the surprise yet.

Can't wait to do the big reveal!

Talk later!

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