Friday, December 4, 2015

Day 3 of 25 Days of Christmas: Cupcakes and Christmasopoly

The theme of Day 3 should be blow your diet and kick some butt. Lol. For this activity of 25 Days of Christmas, Hubby and I played our favorite holiday game - Christmasopoly! So far, I am the reigning champion of this game, but Hubby wanted a chance to defeat me.

Hubby and our dog, Bella, selecting the day 3 activity.
She was too large to pick up. Lol. 
Before we started playing, though, we needed to get our snacks ready. Since we were both craving something sweet, I decided to make some cupcakes. Within an hour, I had over 45 cupcakes created! Yeah, I went a little overboard, but they are small, so doesn't count as much for calories, right?

Not even all of them! Funfetti cupcakes with vanilla whipped
icing and vanilla cupcakes with milk chocolate icing. 

After all cupcakes were ready, we sat down to play the game. Christmasopoly is the Christmas version of Monopoly (as you probably guessed). Instead of houses and hotels, there are presents and Christmas trees. It is super cute and really fun.

So last night as we were playing, the live version of The Wiz came on TV. So I was singing along to the songs, dancing in my seat, and whooping my Hubby's butt in the game.

The final results: I am STILL the reigning champ of Christmasopoly! Lol. I will play him a few more times this season to see if he can beat me.

Talk later!

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