Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Day 1 of 25 Days of Christmas: Tree Decorating

YAAAAAASSSSS! It is December 1, ya'll! Let's get our Christmas on! Time for the 25 Days of Christmas activities!

The first thing I like to do is set up our Christmas tree and decorate the house for a month of happiness. Being able to end every evening with the lights low, a glass of wine, and the Christmas tree sparkling, is my idea of perfection. 

I won't bore you with the details of decorating a tree because I am sure you know how to do that, but I will share some pictures of my tree and some simple decorations that I have done around my house. 

Hubby was able to pick out the first activity from
the Advent calendar before he headed to work. Ain't
he just so handsome!

He grabbed Rasbee to help him with the task.
As you can tell, he was bored with it. Lol. 

Our completed tree. Isn't it cute! 

One of the wreaths that I put on the wall.
I love anything sparkly!

I found this super cute chapel at a local thrift store and
I just had to get it and add to my Christmas decor.  

I decorated our breakfast bar! I have a collection of bells
that I have collected from every state or country that I
have visited. Not Christmas exactly, but special to me. 

A mother/daughter ornament that my mom gave
me from her collection. I think we got this in 2000.

Hubby selected this last year. Have no idea why. Lol!

Another donated mother/daughter ornament from
my mom that we got in 1998. 

Our tree would not be complete without
something with a dog. A thrift store find from 2001. 

Another dog thrift store find from 1999. 

The ornament that I selected last year that
commemorated our first Christmas together!

We picked this out this year when we took
our yearly vacation to Portland, ME. 

 I think this was a great start to my 25 Days of Christmas activities. Remember to check out my activities from 2014 if you are needing some ideas to do with your friends or family. Stay tuned for more great things to come.

Talk later!

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