Sunday, December 13, 2015

Day 10 of 25 Days of Christmas: Hiking with Our Dogs

I don't know about you, but I love being outside when the air is crisp and the leaves have fallen. When I lived in Frederick, MD, I would take my dogs hiking at least once a week. Just us on the trails, exploring the waterfalls, and getting rid of all stresses and pent up energy.

Since moving to Atlanta, we have not gone hiking at all, so for day 10 of 25 Days of Christmas, I decided to take my bunch on a holiday hike! We went to Sweetwater Creek State Park in Lithia Springs, GA, about 40 minutes from our house. This park was so beautiful! And luckily, the weather was beautiful at 60 degrees with a light breeze.

So I have been working out hard for about two months - one hour of cardio, 4-5 days a week. Well that did not matter because I struggled on this 3.5 mile, moderate to difficult hike. At several times between points 6 and 9 (there were 20), I seriously thought that I would not be able to make it. My legs hurt, I couldn't breathe, and Frankie (my lab) was literally pulling me up that hill. But guess what? I finished! It took us a while and I was sore, but I made it through the rest of the hike and to the car. Woohoo! Here are some pictures that I took on this holiday hike:

We look the labs, Bella and
Frankie along on the hike. 
Marker 10, halfway through the hike. 
My beautiful, Bella Louise
My handsome boy, Frankie

Away we go! Thanks Frankie for
pulling your mama along. 
Yep, this was at the beginning of the
hike before the pain of going up those hills. 

My handsome Hubby pondering life. Lol. 
I love my hiking crew. 
The beautiful river that we crossed
on the bridge on the trail. 

After that hike, you know what I did the rest of the day....sleep! I needed it.

Talk later!

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