Saturday, December 5, 2015

Day 4 of 25 Days of Christmas: Love Actually

For today's activity for 25 Days of Christmas, I decided to give myself a break and watch a movie! And if you read my list from last year, then you know that I selected "Love Actually." This movie will NEVER get old to me. I even find myself watching it during non-Christmas times.

As an homage to the movie, I will list my top ten reasons why it will always be my favorite Christmas movie:

1) The wedding scene with the surprise choir and orchestra. 

Ok, what girl wouldn't love that happening at her wedding. That took lots of planning and coordination. I remember when planning my wedding, I wondered if I could pull that off. Since we eloped, that did not happen. Lol.

2)  The romance between the Prime Minister (Hugh Grant) and Natalie (Martine McCutcheon). 

The reason why I love this romance is that the Prime Minister could have dated some supermodel in the movie, but he fell in love with a real girl. Although people in the movie constantly referred to her as big boned, I thought Martine McCutcheon was absolutely gorgeous. No wonder the PM couldn't keep his mind off of her.

3) Love Christmas is all around

"I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes. Christmas is all around me and so the feeling grows."

OK, who doesn't love an old rockstar trying to revive his career? And when you have one who gives us so many wonderful one liners, it is movie magic. I actually came upon the full music video and it is HILARIOUS!

4) The ever awkward sex stand-ins, (Just) Judy and John. 

Why let the fact that you are sex stand-ins for a movie interfere with perfectly mundane conversation about the weather? Every scene with them, I wondered if it could possibly get more awkward...then it did. Lol

5) The scene where Sarah (Laura Linney) does her happy dance in the stairway when Carl comes over. 

You cannot tell me that you have not done this before. Every girl out there has had that moment when a crush has taken notice and your happy feelings just can't be contained inside. I literally wanted to do the happy dance with her by this point in the movie because I was so rooting for her and Carl.

6) The Prime Minister (Hugh Grant) doing his sexy dance through his house and getting caught. 

I have always thought Hug Grant was a hottie. I have watched EVERY movie that he has made. He exceeded the sexy and cute factor with his little booty wiggle. Again, this is a scene where you know it has happened to you, except it was probably your mom.

7) When Mark tells Juliet his true feelings. 

Ok, I know it was so skeevie of this dude to hit on his best friend's wife. I did not applaud that. However, the way that he told her his feelings was so sweet that you couldn't help but feel sorry for him. What girl wouldn't love a guy to do this for her.

8) The scene with Mr. Bean and the gift wrapping. 

Once I was in a department store and someone was wrapping up a gift and I had to laugh out loud because it reminded me of this Mr. Bean scene so much. Just when you think the "gift wrapping" is done, he starts doing something else! I was cringing inside from the panic that the guy's wife would show up and catch him.

9) The final musical number of "All I Want For Christmas."

Little known fact about me: I get teary-eyed or cry every time I hear Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas." This is the epitome of the Christmas season and having a Hubby who I long distance dated for so long, I know the longing of just wanting to be with that special person on Christmas. See, I am tearing up just watching this clip.

10) All of the scenes of people greeting each other in the airports. 

The beginning and ending sequences of "Love Actually" to me are the most poignant parts of the movie. It shows the happiness that people feel when they meet a loved one at the airport. As a frequent flyer, I always long for someone to give me a hug after a long day of travel. Knowing that someone you love is waiting right outside of the terminal for you is so sweet.

Well that is all. I actually wrote this as I was writing this blog post and so I did not give it the full attention that it deserves. No worries, I will watch it again...and again...and again....

Talk later!

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