Monday, November 30, 2015

The 2nd Annual "25 Days of Christmas"

Last year, I started a tradition called my "25 Days of Christmas." I planned activities for every day leading to Christmas Day. I went into it thinking that it would get me out of the house and get my Christmas cheer going. I also wanted to fill my first Christmas at home with Hubby with new traditions that we could carry on for years to come.

My Advent calendar from last year.

Well, I was not expecting how much fun it would be and how interested you, my readers, would be about it. I have inspired others to do their own Christmas list and to make traditions with their families, which I love. I want to point out, though, that even if you are single without a family, these activities can be done alone. No point in you missing the Christmas cheer and it will get you out to meet others.

Last year, I scoured the internet for adult-friendly Christmas activities and truthfully did not find many. There were plenty of Advent calendar activities that focused on getting small children involved. Since I don't have kids, I needed to find or create experiences that would entertain us over the age of 21. I think I succeeded last year and I have some more great things planned this year. I did throw in a few kid-at-heart activities because sometimes you need to let your inner child out.

Activities added as they happen*
1) Decorate Christmas Tree
2) Choose a Special Ornament
3) Play Christmasopoly
4) Watch "Love Actually"
5) Go See a Christmas Parade
6) Hallmark Movie Marathon Night
7) Design Christmas Cards Online
8) Cookie Decorating
9) Christmas Photos and Singing Christmas Tree
10) Holiday Hike with My Dogs

You will notice a difference in my activities this year. I will be doing most alone. My Hubby now works the graveyard shift, so I feel bad waking him up to do my activities. He will be joining in when he can, but this year, I can show how much fun Christmas can be while doing some solo things. I do have my teenage sister, Catherine, coming to visit for Christmas, so you can expect some great activities with her, though.

Hubby and I from our Christmas photo last year!

I am so excited to get started tomorrow! I have tried to hold out on decorating my house, but the day after Thanksgiving, I could not hold out any longer! I put up my new, fancy advent calendar, planned my activities, put up some decorations and have started Christmas shopping!

My Christmas wall with my Advent calendar, 2014 Christmas
photo, and our paintings that we did last year.

We don't have a mantle, so I created a Christmas
stocking wall with removable hooks. 

I hope you enjoy the next 25 days as much as I do. Please feel free to reach out to me with additional ideas or suggestions for Christmas activities. While I do plan my calendar for the entire 25 days, there is always room for some changes and I fully expect there to be some moving around of activities.

Love you all and talk later!