Thursday, June 16, 2016

Movie #1: The Best of Me

The first movie of my Netflix and Chill romance-a-thon was "The Best of Me" based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks. Ok, this one was a tearjerker. I may have released like two tears at the end. It was a young romance gone sad type of movie like "The Notebook." Rich girl from good family falls for poor boy from the wrong side of the track who is actually good at heart. We all want that type of innocent, youthful love, don't we? Then the bad stuff happens that breaks up the young love and the rest of the movie is the will-they-won't-they scenario. No spoilers here, but I would give this movie a 4 out of 5 stars. Some parts were easy to guess what was going to happen next, which is the folly of most movies nowadays. However, the acting gets high marks. 

This movie made me ponder a bit. Everyone has that one person from their past that they in some way still love. The person who if they showed up at this very moment, your heart may skip a beat. Probably like many people, it ended bad or had no real resolution. In the end, though, the majority of us would move on with our lives as it was progressing. We wouldn't go back to that person in fear that what you had wasn't that great. Or even just the idea that the life you have is not that bad and not worth risking. 

You do hear of those stories where the love was too hard to ignore. How once you saw that person again, you just couldn't go back. How everything picked up just as if you had not spent 5, 10, 15, or even 20 years apart. You see these people together and you know that they are truly happy. You wonder if their love story would have shone as bright had they been together those years. Would they be living a mundane life in a relationship that had lost its spark?

What would you do if that one who got away showed up right now at your doorstep? 

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