Friday, June 17, 2016

Movie #3: Begin Again

Movie #3 on the Netflix playlist was "Begin Again, starring Keira Knightley and Mark Ruffalo. When I tell you that this is one of my favorite movies, I am not lying. I have watched this movie about 30 times already and it still wows me with the level of talent by the cast. 

First, let's start with the cast. Keira is definitely a great actress, but who knew she could sing? Not saying she is going to blow anyone out of the water with the vocals, but she has a delicate voice that was perfect for the songs of the movie. Next, Mark Ruffalo. Hubba Hubba. This man is sooo sexy to me. I mean in every movie he is in, I am left fanning myself. He played the role of the almost washed up record exec to a tee. I actually know an ex-record business guy and I swear him and Mark are the exact same person. Lol. Now, let's get to the incredibly sexy Adam Levine. Whew, I just can't with his whole sexy aura. My very first concert in college was Maroon 5. They came to my campus to play for us after their first album dropped and I have been hooked every since. 

Second, let's talk about the premise of the movie. Every girl out there wants to win in the break-up and in this movie, Greta won! She turned this shitty thing that this guy did to her into a way to express herself and be her own woman. I was so happy at the end when she did not go back to that asshole. And the connection between Greta and Dan was incredible. Let's be honest, if the friend was not at home in the scene after they shared music, they would have totally gotten it on! And I wouldn't have been mad at all!

Lastly, there is the music. The music in this movie was so good that I went out and bought the entire soundtrack after my first time watching the movie. I think I have listened to "Lost Stars" so much that I can sing every hook, line, and ad libbed breath between. This album was gold. I recently drove through the canyons of Utah for a business trip and this album happily got me through the places on the road where I got no signal. If you haven't, go buy it!

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