Thursday, June 16, 2016

A Walk to Remember: Goofs and Trivia

And now to my favorite part - trivia and goofs. I am usually pretty good at seeing the inconsistencies, but this movie fooled even me.

  • This movie was filmed in only thirty-nine days, despite the fact that they only had Mandy Moore for ten hours a day because she was still a minor.
  • Jessica Simpson was considered for the role of Jamie Sullivan. Thank God they made this change.  Jessica Simpson can barely act her way out of a paper bag. 
  • At the beginning of the movie, when Landon and Clay are on the tower before Clay jumps into the pool, the water is spraying out over the water like a regular high diving tower, however, when the tower is seen from below, there is a small stream of water, not a spray.
  • In the school bus scene, if you look through the back door window, you can see someone in the car following the bus wave.
  • Beaufort, North Carolina is nowhere near the Virginia state line.
And now a quote from the movie:

Jamie: You have to promise you won't fall in love with me.
Landon: That's not a problem.

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