Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Best of Me: Goofs and Trivia

If you are like me, you love random trivia that you find about movies you watch. Here are some trivia and goofs that you will enjoy.
  • Paul Walker was cast in the lead role but after he passed away, the role was given to James Marsden. I don't know how Walker would have done (RIP), but Marsden was amazing and he is uber handsome!
  • Every dress (except the last) that the character of Amanda wears (even as an adult) has an open back. I actually noticed this and was secretly hating that my back isn't flawless enough to pull off a backless dress. 
  • At the oil platform, Dawson posts an envelope with money but does not seem to seal it. I saw this too! Knew it would come up as a blooper!
  • Dawson's eyes change color from brown to blue through the years. Someone really should have caught that. Lol.
Finally, I leave you with a quote:

Amanda: You want me to fall back in love with you? How do I do that if I haven't ever stopped?

Is it just me or could she totally be Megan Fox's younger sister!

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