Saturday, June 18, 2016

One Day: Trivia and Goofs

The biggest goof to me was Anne Hathaway and her horrible accent. However, here are some more trivia and goofs for you.

  • It was actually raining for the filming of the scene where Dex and Emma are holidaying on a French beach. The actors performed under a tarpaulin in their swimsuits.
  • In Patricia Clarkson's final scene, the lighting of her close-ups gradually gets brighter and brighter, to signify the character's imminent death. I noticed this and was wondering what was happening. Great idea.  
  • On July 15, 1994, Dexter tells his mother that he won't be able to stay to visit her that evening because he already has plans to attend the premiere of Jurassic Park. The UK premiere of Jurassic Park took place a year to the day earlier, on July 15, 1993.
  • The wide shot of London in 1994 pans across the Houses of Parliament and then you catch sight of parliamentary office building, Portcullis House but it wasn't built for another 7 years.
And finally, a quote:

Emma: A tortilla is either corn or wheat. But a corn tortilla folded and filled is a taco, whereas a filled wheat tortilla is a burrito. Deep fry a burrito, it's a chimichanga. Toast a tortilla, it's a tostada. Roll it, it's an enchilada.

Movie #4: One Day

The next movie on my list was "One Day" starring Anne Hathaway and Jim Sturgess. I have to give this movie a 3 out of 5 stars. I really wanted to like it more, but God, could Anne Hathaway's British accent be any more horrible?! Seriously, I was not sure if she was supposed to be British, Irish, or American because she switched between all three. 

The premise was a bit thin as well. Nowhere in the movie was it explained why they just so happen to meet on the 15th of every year. Even fate is not that lucky every year. And just when we were hoping for the best for them as a couple, they go and kill her off. Very dramatically as well. I will say, though, that the best acting was done by Sturgess as the grieving widower. I truly felt his pain and sadness. Maybe I am so sensitive to it since I now have a husband who I would die if anything ever happened to him. 

Friday, June 17, 2016

Begin Again: Lost Stars

I usually end a review of my Netflix movies with the trivia and goofs, but I just want you to enjoy the excellence of the lyrics to "Lost Stars."

Please don't see just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies
Please see me reaching out for someone I can't see
Take my hand let's see where we wake up tomorrow
Best laid plans sometimes are just a one night stand
I'd be damned Cupid's demanding back his arrow
So let's get drunk on our tears and

God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young
It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run
Searching for meaning
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?

Who are we? Just a speck of dust within the galaxy?
Woe is me, if we're not careful turns into reality
Don't you dare let our best memories bring you sorrow
Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer
Turn the page maybe we'll find a brand new ending
Where we're dancing in our tears and

God, tell us the reason youth is wasted on the young
It's hunting season and the lambs are on the run
Searching for meaning
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark? ooh

And I thought I saw you out there crying, ooh
And I thought I heard you call my name, yeah, yeah
And I thought I heard you out there crying, oh
Just the same, oh, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

God, give us the reason youth is wasted on the young
It's hunting season and this lamb is on the run
Searching for meaning
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark? ooh

And I thought I saw you out there crying, ooh
And I thought I heard you call my name, ooh
And I thought I heard you out there crying, oh

But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?
But are we all lost stars, trying to light up the dark?

Movie #3: Begin Again

Movie #3 on the Netflix playlist was "Begin Again, starring Keira Knightley and Mark Ruffalo. When I tell you that this is one of my favorite movies, I am not lying. I have watched this movie about 30 times already and it still wows me with the level of talent by the cast. 

First, let's start with the cast. Keira is definitely a great actress, but who knew she could sing? Not saying she is going to blow anyone out of the water with the vocals, but she has a delicate voice that was perfect for the songs of the movie. Next, Mark Ruffalo. Hubba Hubba. This man is sooo sexy to me. I mean in every movie he is in, I am left fanning myself. He played the role of the almost washed up record exec to a tee. I actually know an ex-record business guy and I swear him and Mark are the exact same person. Lol. Now, let's get to the incredibly sexy Adam Levine. Whew, I just can't with his whole sexy aura. My very first concert in college was Maroon 5. They came to my campus to play for us after their first album dropped and I have been hooked every since. 

Second, let's talk about the premise of the movie. Every girl out there wants to win in the break-up and in this movie, Greta won! She turned this shitty thing that this guy did to her into a way to express herself and be her own woman. I was so happy at the end when she did not go back to that asshole. And the connection between Greta and Dan was incredible. Let's be honest, if the friend was not at home in the scene after they shared music, they would have totally gotten it on! And I wouldn't have been mad at all!

Lastly, there is the music. The music in this movie was so good that I went out and bought the entire soundtrack after my first time watching the movie. I think I have listened to "Lost Stars" so much that I can sing every hook, line, and ad libbed breath between. This album was gold. I recently drove through the canyons of Utah for a business trip and this album happily got me through the places on the road where I got no signal. If you haven't, go buy it!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

A Walk to Remember: Goofs and Trivia

And now to my favorite part - trivia and goofs. I am usually pretty good at seeing the inconsistencies, but this movie fooled even me.

  • This movie was filmed in only thirty-nine days, despite the fact that they only had Mandy Moore for ten hours a day because she was still a minor.
  • Jessica Simpson was considered for the role of Jamie Sullivan. Thank God they made this change.  Jessica Simpson can barely act her way out of a paper bag. 
  • At the beginning of the movie, when Landon and Clay are on the tower before Clay jumps into the pool, the water is spraying out over the water like a regular high diving tower, however, when the tower is seen from below, there is a small stream of water, not a spray.
  • In the school bus scene, if you look through the back door window, you can see someone in the car following the bus wave.
  • Beaufort, North Carolina is nowhere near the Virginia state line.
And now a quote from the movie:

Jamie: You have to promise you won't fall in love with me.
Landon: That's not a problem.

Movie #2: A Walk to Remember

Next up was another Nicholas Sparks classic, "A Walk to Remember," starring Mandy Moore and Shane West. I have seen this movie like a hundred times and every single time, I have to fight back tears. This movie is a good girl reforms bad boy story. At the beginning, you want the stupid guy to be gone with his stupid actions that have gotten him in trouble, but by the end, you are rooting for his new tender nature. 

I would give this movie a 3 out of 5 stars. The storyline is good, but at times the acting seems a bit forced. And let's be honest, we had to watch Mandy Moore pout her lips for like 60 minutes. Without knowing it, I started doing it. I can definitely say that her acting has gotten better with each movie that she has done. 

This movie just makes you wish for that person who will stay with you no matter what. Who will take care of you, love you, and be willing to be there until the end. I love my husband and think he will stay with me until I die, but he won't be as romantic as this guy was. He built her a freaking telescope for God's sake! That is a true romantic. 

The Best of Me: Goofs and Trivia

If you are like me, you love random trivia that you find about movies you watch. Here are some trivia and goofs that you will enjoy.
  • Paul Walker was cast in the lead role but after he passed away, the role was given to James Marsden. I don't know how Walker would have done (RIP), but Marsden was amazing and he is uber handsome!
  • Every dress (except the last) that the character of Amanda wears (even as an adult) has an open back. I actually noticed this and was secretly hating that my back isn't flawless enough to pull off a backless dress. 
  • At the oil platform, Dawson posts an envelope with money but does not seem to seal it. I saw this too! Knew it would come up as a blooper!
  • Dawson's eyes change color from brown to blue through the years. Someone really should have caught that. Lol.
Finally, I leave you with a quote:

Amanda: You want me to fall back in love with you? How do I do that if I haven't ever stopped?

Is it just me or could she totally be Megan Fox's younger sister!

Movie #1: The Best of Me

The first movie of my Netflix and Chill romance-a-thon was "The Best of Me" based on a novel by Nicholas Sparks. Ok, this one was a tearjerker. I may have released like two tears at the end. It was a young romance gone sad type of movie like "The Notebook." Rich girl from good family falls for poor boy from the wrong side of the track who is actually good at heart. We all want that type of innocent, youthful love, don't we? Then the bad stuff happens that breaks up the young love and the rest of the movie is the will-they-won't-they scenario. No spoilers here, but I would give this movie a 4 out of 5 stars. Some parts were easy to guess what was going to happen next, which is the folly of most movies nowadays. However, the acting gets high marks. 

This movie made me ponder a bit. Everyone has that one person from their past that they in some way still love. The person who if they showed up at this very moment, your heart may skip a beat. Probably like many people, it ended bad or had no real resolution. In the end, though, the majority of us would move on with our lives as it was progressing. We wouldn't go back to that person in fear that what you had wasn't that great. Or even just the idea that the life you have is not that bad and not worth risking. 

You do hear of those stories where the love was too hard to ignore. How once you saw that person again, you just couldn't go back. How everything picked up just as if you had not spent 5, 10, 15, or even 20 years apart. You see these people together and you know that they are truly happy. You wonder if their love story would have shone as bright had they been together those years. Would they be living a mundane life in a relationship that had lost its spark?

What would you do if that one who got away showed up right now at your doorstep? 

Netflix and Chill

So I dropped off like I usually do after trying to blog for too long. Blame the ADHD in me. Plus I really just am not that exciting.  So I have given myself a new challenge to get my writing going. I am going to watch every romantic movie on Netflix. (Let me clarify, every movie in the Romantic genre on Netflix. No matter if I watched it before or if it is boring or utterly strange. I will watch it, write about it, maybe go on tangents about my day, etc. Let's see how long we can keep this up.

Talk later!