Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Why The Name Change?

So you probably have noticed the blog name change. Why the change you may ask?

Well for one, no one understood what "Brain Meet Circle" meant. After some explanation, they understood, but it was not something that would catch. Hey, I tried to be witty with the name. Everyone is entitled to fail at least once. Lol.

The new blog name came to me after a wonderful trip to California recently. (Story of that coming tomorrow.) During this wonderful trip, I realized that every time I was going somewhere new or a place where I would feel out of place or felt like I wanted to have fun, I would grab my black scarf and make it into a big bow.

Me in the Big Bow of Fun!

Many of my friends will tell you that the bow has appeared many times. At events, at parties, on social media. The big bow has even received a nickname by my friend, Chrissy. It is now Sally. HA! People love the bow! Or maybe they love me in the bow!

This simple fashion statement, that most likely is hiding a bad hair day, has become like my superman cape. My protective vest. My security blanket. When I wear the bow, I feel like I have more fun. I meet more people. I smile bigger than I was before. The bow makes me seen and it really makes people want to meet the girl with the huge Minnie Mouse bow. Or that is what I think. Lol.

After thinking about all of this, I knew that I wanted my blog to be named this. I want the courage that I feel while wearing the bow to leak onto this blog. I want my words to open up new worlds and help me meet people. I want people to see the name of my blog and think, who is this girl who has the audacity to wear a big, silly bow and enjoy life.

So I hope you like it. I have also changed my associated social media to this name, so please, PLEASE follow me in these places as well.

Facebook - www.facebook.com/BigBowFun
Twitter - @BigBowFun

Ok, that is all.

Talk later!

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