Friday, March 28, 2014

Ain't Got No Baby Mama Drama...Preventing Teen Pregnancy

Did you know that your dog or cat can get pregnant as early as four months old. That is truly babies having babies. I have witnessed this happen many times and it just breaks my heart. So today, I took our baby, Bella, to get spayed.

We had to wait a little longer than 4 months because the doctor suggested we wait until she started getting adult teeth. So at 5 months, she has her teeth and we are not waiting any longer. She got her beautiful new adult teeth! (Proud mama over here.)

Atlanta Humane Society has a great low cost spay and neuter program that allows your dog or cat to get spayed, micro-chipped, and a rabies shot for the super low cost of $35 ($40 with pain medication.) All we had to do was sign-up and get an appointment.

Well as a worry wart mama, I was scared of the surgery even though I have gone through this many times before. She is my baby and I love her. We started the day at 6:00 in the morning, so that we could get there by 6:30. God must have been watching over me because the dang dog almost caused an accident when she tried to climb behind my back as I was driving! Then she proceeded to get in the back seat, where she threw up all over the floor! UGH!!!

When I finally got there, I signed in and then brought her in to await our time to go in the back room. She was not liking all of the new dogs and she could not sit still. I did, however, get a few pics of her before her surgery.

Mama, what are you doing?

A selfie with Bella Louise 
About to go in and be spayed

So I go back to get her and was given the typical post-surgery instructions - give pain medicine, don't let her be around the other dogs, walk her on a leash only for ten days. And then we were off to home.

Or so I thought...Atlanta traffic was horrible as usual and it took us an hour of driving through the city to get home. Both Bella and I were exhausted and ready to get out of the car by the time we got home.


It has now been two days since surgery and she is doing great. Anyone who has a puppy knows that you can't keep them still. We crate her mostly to keep her from playing, but those pitiful whines just hits my heart. She is going to heal nicely and no more worries about pregnancy.

I would like to partake to anyone reading this blog, the importance of spaying and neutering. There are 9,000 dogs and cats who die in America's shelters every day. Many of those are puppies and kittens who were born because their mom was not spayed. Living in a trailer park in South Carolina, I witnessed this over and over again. The dogs seemed to be pregnant every 6 months and no one took ownership of the dog or the pups. Many of them eventually getting picked up by the pound or getting hit by a car.

This is why I do what I do now in animal welfare because I want to Save Them All! As Bob Barker used to say, "Help control the pet population and have your pet spayed or neutered."

On a side note: Bob Barker was a HUGE animal lover and advocate all of his life. Here is a video about his work to save not only dogs and cats, but bears, large cats, and dolphins!

Talk soon, XOXO!

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