Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Let's give this a try...my venture into blogging

Let's give this a try...

So my loving hubby, Ryan, has continuously said to me that I need to write a blog. My excuse was always that I never knew what to write about. I have tried blogging in the past and always dropped off because I did not have the time. I am going to try to give it more of an effort this time.

I guess I should start with introductions. My name is Crystal. I live in Atlanta, GA. I work in marketing for a nonprofit animal rescue group called Best Friends Animal Society. Other than work, I am usually found sleeping, searching the web, watching reality or junk tv, or eating...to name a few things.

This is me, Crystal!

I live with the love of my life, Ryan, who I will refer to from here on out as hubby. We met on my 21st birthday, were friends for 7 years, then decided in 2012 to start a relationship. We have been together every since and will soon be married.

Here is a pic of hubby:
Ain't he handsome. He is a huge sports fan...and I mean every sport!

Here is a pic of me and hubby in Kanab, UT in 2013:

Why were we in Kanab, UT of all places? Well that is the home of Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. 

Hubby suggested that I write about our zoo. We have a full house of pets that we call our zoo consisting of five dogs and two cats. I even have a virtual cat named Tom, but he doesn't count...lol. I love them very much and constantly talk about them on Facebook and Twitter, but truthfully, I don't want to have an entire blog about their antics. I will be writing some posts about them because they are a huge part of my life, though. Here are some photos of them with some fun facts:

Let's start with the dogs -

This is Mumu. She is about 3 years old. She is a Chihuahua mix. Very spunky and loves the outdoors. She spends most of her days laying with her sister in my papasan chair. She got her name Mumu because when she was born she was really fat and looked like she would wear one of those mumus that fat old ladies wear.


This is Shylow also laying on the papasan chair, which is where she stays 90% of the day. She is about 6 years old and is a Chihuahua mix. I like to call her the supermodel of the family because she is small, thin, and fragile. Like her name suggests, she is very shy to new people.

On the right of hubby is Biscuit. He is my first born and is the alpha male in the house. He is from the same litter as Shylow, but is the total opposite. He is tall and weighs about 20 lbs...as a chihuahua mix! He got his name because when he was born he looked like the can of biscuits when they open. So cute and fat.

You might have seen the white fluff ball above. Well that is my Maltese, Rasbee. I got Rasbee from a family friend who could not take care of him anymore. He is 3 years old and is a very sweet boy who loves getting cuddles.

To round out the dogs is our new addition, Bella. We found her on Christmas Day, greatly emaciated, filled with fleas, and scared. She was living with a neighbor who was not taking care of her. When I saw her though, I could not leave without her. She is our first "big" dog. She is currently 4.5 months old and weighs about 27 lbs. She is going to be big! We love her so much already.

Now on to the cats -

This is Artie! We met him at a local thrift store at an adoption event held by Lifeline Animal Project and knew we had to have him. He is about a year old now. He is the mischievous, funny, and incredibly active one in the house. If you come over and see a streak of grey rush by, it is him.

This is Ray. The day I went to get Artie, I mentioned that I was looking for a black cat. So they took me in a room with about 20 black cats all vying for my attention. I looked around and noticed this one cat who was laying on his own looking sad. The worker said that his owner turned him in and donated a fridge so they called him Rator. They said he came in fat, but had lost lots of weight and was not taking the shelter atmosphere well. I went over, looked in his sad eyes, and said that I would take him. It took him months to get used to us and the dogs, but as I am writing this, he is laying beside me, purring happily.

Now that I bored you with the zoo, I will let you take all of that in and digest it. I will sign off now, but will be back to you soon with lots of fun insights, stories about my life, rantings about reality tv, and maybe some of my Pinterest fails. Lol.

Talk soon...XOXO

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