Friday, January 9, 2015

New Year...New Resolutions

Happy New Year!

Can I be honest with you? I needed 2014 to end. There was nothing wrong with it. So many great things happened last year, but my mind needed that reset button that a new year brings. So when midnight hit and it became 2015, I said an internal thank you. 

I am sure that everyone on your Facebook, Twitter, and at work will now be telling you about their New Year's resolutions. Normally, I don't even bother because I don't like promising myself things that I will probably break, but this year, I want to try to do things differently. So without further ado, let me tell you about my resolutions for 2015.

1) Lose weight. 

I know, I know, everyone says this. For me, though, this is a needed life change that I need to do this year. Over the last two years, I have put on about 50 lbs of weight from life stresses, eating good food, and from getting older and my body changing. 

The weight is not what bothers me because I have enough confidence in myself to be whatever weight. What bothers me is the fact that I can't walk up stairs without being out of breath. The fact that I have a closet full of beautiful heels that my feet cannot handle because of the extra weight. The fact that I don't feel as sexy as I used to for Hubby. And finally, the fact that I know I can do better for myself. 

Don't expect any extreme dieting posts from me or for me to even mention my dieting after today. I don't want my blog to turn into a weight loss blog. My blog is about my entire life and my life will not be about dieting, but to live. I am looking for a lifestyle change that will lead to me losing weight. 

I want you all to see me losing weight without me having to talk about it. Of course, if you want to know more, just comment and ask. :)

2) Advance in my career. 

I want to be better in my career than I was in the past year. Whether that means taking another position, moving up at my current job, or just learning a new skill. I don't know what it will be yet. I am going to open myself up to more responsibilities, put myself out there more, and just seize any new opportunities that come my way. 

I am a very ambitious person and I love challenging myself. I have so many goals about where I want to be in five and ten years from now. I can't get to that point without pushing myself. It can be done and I know that God will put me where I need to be. 

3) Take a life changing trip/sabbatical. 

For the last three years, I have longed to take a trip that would take me out of my comfort zone, lead me to meet new people, and that would let me help other people or animals. This trip would not be about luxury hotels and tours, it would be a true sabbatical where I learn something about my character and leads me to figure out my purpose in life. 

I have a few ideas of what this trip will be, but can't make a decision now. I need to do some more research and of course, talk to Hubby about it. 

4) Save money.

Another honesty moment: I am not a saver. I don't blow money or go on excessive shopping trips, but like many people, I have lived paycheck to paycheck and when I did have savings some emergency would come up and leave me at the bottom level again. Vet bills, medical expenses, car trouble, etc. These things come up and you have to take care of it. And being that I was single, I was the one footing the bill (with some occasional help from my wonderful, Aunt T.)

Well Hubby and I have decided that we are no longer going to live that life. We want to be one step ahead, not two steps behind. We have made a plan to save and we are going to sacrifice where needed to make it happen. Can we live with just one car? Yes. Do we need a brand new, state-of-the-art washer and dryer? No, we can get a basic model and it will work the same. Can we cook most of our meals, only going out once a month? Yes, even though this will be hard because we love good food. 

By the end of the year, we want to be miles ahead financially from where we started in January. 

5) Learn Spanish. 

As someone who failed elementary Spanish twice in college, I know this one is going to be hard. Really hard. I will not let myself fail in this, though. I want to be able to talk to my favorite waitress at my favorite Mexican restaurant in her native language. If I go to an event at work, I want to be able to translate, if needed. I want to open myself up to new people, a different culture, and to a new language. 

I read somewhere that if I can push myself to learn 50 words or phrases a month, then I can be comfortable speaking in 6 months. Well, here I go writing my 50 words on cue cards and using my words whenever I can. Hubby is already really good at Spanish, so maybe I can implement Spanish Saturdays where we can only talk in our new language. 

Do I expect to be able to speak fluently at the end of the year? Not at all, but I want to at least be able to talk conversationally for at least 10 minutes. Heck, maybe I will even write a whole blog post in Spanish!

6) Read one book a month. 

I LOVE reading. As a kid, I had hundreds of books that I would read over and over again. Somewhere between work, life, and exhaustion, I lost my ability to make it through a whole book. Well that will end this year! 

Last month, I read an article called "100 Notable Books of 2014." What I am going to do is to choose six nonfiction and six fiction books from this list to read and write about them for my blog. To make it extra fun, I am going to try to match a new wine to the theme or region of the book. Books and wine...that is a great combination. 

7) Finally, I am going to continue with this blog. 

I have loved writing to you all. Whoever out there reading this, I really appreciate you. I like talking about my life and what I do. Call me egotistical or self-serving, but this has been great therapy for me. It is something that I want to continue doing. 

Am I going to write every week? I am going to try, but some weeks just are not that interesting. Sometimes work will take priority and some days, I will be so tired from staring at a computer screen that I won't want to write. I promise to you, though, that I will try. I will try really hard. 

Well that is it! My resolutions. Will I succeed or fail in these? Only time will tell. 

Talk later - XOXO!